
Friday Night Frenzy

This week was a little out of the ordinary as far as art. I was lacking ideas so each of the pieces I’m posting tonight was in response to a different person/situation. As such, I shifted my style on all but the first 1. Some of me definitely shows through on each of them but they clearly are not my usual.

1: Tech guy (My own interpretation of a character designed by a friend)


2. Art Challenge to create a Goth character named “Jack-0-Lantern.” I wanted to make him awkward and creepy so I intentionally made him hunch and gave him a burned hand with which he can create fire, as well as a knife for “carving”. Unfinished background was going to be looking out a window onto rooftops, with sort of an art nouveau vibe. Kinda like in the next piece.


3. Along with that goth character there was supposed to be a goth lolita character named black cat, again I decided to go significantly more eastern in style since the concept was very eastern.


4. Modeled to match the disney princesses. My friends little girl told her that “princesses dont wear glasses” so someone suggested I draw her a picture of a princess with glasses. So I pulled up a picture of her in her easter dress and drew her as a fun princess with glasses.


5. This is for a challenge to merge both a classic movie monster and an anime character. I chose the alien from “This Island Earth” and Astroboy. I like how it came out.


Thats all she wrote! Check back theres sure to be more soon and I’ll see if I cant get some colored work posted.

-Danno Out!



Friday Night Frenzy

It;’s late so I’ll keep it simple. Heres the scribblings of the week!


1: Business Hamster (Business in the front, hamster in the back?)


2: Onti (Re-imagining of an old website mascot)


3: Project Ruin (Playing with landscape concepts for project)


4: Gone Campin’ (dunno, just did it)



5: Project Ruin: (More character concepts)

Hm, no fanart this week. Well that’s all for now. Been polishin off some of these on the side. I’ll try to get those posted soon.

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

Another week already, wow. Heres what I put out this week.

1. Drink and Draw Monster (Obj. Teeth, Tentacles, and Horns)


2. Drink and Draw Gender Swap (Femme Thing)


3. Demona – Gargoyles (Done for an Art Jam)


4. Shiver (Character Design for my wife)


5. Shiver Logo (for the above character)


6. Zangief – Street Fighter  (Quick Portrait)


7. Dan – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


8. Viper – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


9. Rose – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


10. Tyrone ( Idea for shirts for fall frisbee season)


11. Superman Redesign (Done for a Deviant Art group)


Thats it for this week, some of that thanks to last Sundays Drink and Draw. Stay tuned.

-Danno Out!


Figure Study Update

I spend at least an hour a day doing figure drawing, and in the past month I’ve seen it really help to improve my art. When I first posted that I was doing it I believe I mentioned that I wasn’t going to flood my site with figure drawing sketches. Thats still true but I recently switched from doing it on 11×17 paper in pencil to 18×24 newsprint in charcoal pencil not HUGELY different but certianly different, here some of the work from this week.

(Note: I left the pencil on the page to kinda help see scale. Also, please forgive the low quality pictures as I used my phone.)

Warning Some Nudity


Friday..? Night .. …? Frenzy

Alright gang, sometimes Christmas comes early, and sometimes Friday Night comes late… this is one of those times. Due to abnormal circumstances I was unable to dump yesterday so heres what youve waited for so patiently.


1. Project Ruin – Concept for a character of Royalty/Nobility who is capable of more than people know.


2. Fanart – Luigi goin to town. Perhaps this is why he gets so little screen time.


3. Quick portrait – Lillith (Darkstalkers)


4. Quick Portrait – B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers)


5. Foreshortening Practice


6. Project Ruin – a highwitch (witch of noble descent) (Some inspiration from Poison Ivy), breeding a creepy “children-of-the-corn-like” army to do her bidding.


7. Fanart – Samus Aran. I always loved the character and realized its been over a decade since I’ve drawn her so…

Had a hard time findin time this week, but I made it. Stay tuned for more work in progress, and hopefully I’ll get some new completed pieces up here soon too!

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

Got plenty to show from this week. Theres a lil more variety this time around. Lets get started, first up…


Character sketch for project RFI (note she was intended to be riding on a golemn):


This was intended to be the afore mentioned Golem. He ended up much larger than originally intended. (Then for fun I started playing around with the idea of a “steam punk” golemn. I know everything is “steam punk” these days. It was fun, theres a lot more I could do with it though so we’ll see if another one doesn’t pop up at some point. Still playing with ink. really enjoying it:


Random attempt at a muscular guy. Dont draw them very often, just trying to stretch my capabilities. Not really pleased with the outcome, but hey its all part of progress!


Lil guy … nuff said.


Still doing my daily figure drawing and 1 of the poses that came up was similar to this one. It reminded me of some of the old Pin-up art by folks like Gil Elvgren or Alberto Vargas. (Of course there are tons of others like my favorite artist of today Adam Hughes) . So I ran with it:



Up next we’ve got a slew of Street Fighter portraits. I dont do portraits all to often, which is a shame because its quickly becoming one of my weakest areas. Thats why I put in a little practice tile doing quick portraits or already made characters ranging from 10-20 mins a piece.





Chunli: (Edited in PS her right eye was buuuuusted, so I cloned the other real quick.)






Dhalsim: (pardon the quality. Lost the scan some how so I just took a picture with my phone.)



Blanka: (or as I like to call him in this picture. Blankgeta)


In fact blankas, resemblance to a Super Saiyan makes me wanna do all of the street fighter characters in the DBZ world.. … or maybe the other way around. Ideas to play around with, we’ll see what happens. Thanks for tuning in!

-Danno Out


Friday Night Frenzy

Got a lot in this week! Wait for it.. wait for it……. and DUMP!  Click to see a larger version.


Original Character Design


Concept: Project Ruin



Concept: Project Ruin


Fanart: Shinobi


Concept: Project Ruin


Concept: Project Ruin


Concept: Project Ruin


Fanart: Blackcat


Along with a lot of the fanart I’ve been doing I decided to go back and do some more original stuff, so I pulled some projects back out that I’d had to sit to the side and started fleshing those our more. We’ll see if anything comes of it, at least its good practice. Happy arting!

-Danno Out


Branching Out

Wanted to play a little bit more with loosening up my style and setting more of an atmosphere with a piece so thats what I did this evening after I finished my daily figure drawing. I took pictures along the way so I can share the process.

(Side Note: Not sure why its stretching the images, its never done that to me before, but its 2am so they are staying that way for now. If you click on the images they will show at their correct dimensions.)

Started in my sketch book with a quick sketch:


Once I had a decent idea of where I was aiming I switched over to the Bristol board and resketched with more detail:


Usually I would ink next, but decided to do some shading first, the thought process being that I could be more efficient with my lines once I had a more solid idea of the lighting:


So after loosely shading with Copics I went back in and inked the lines:


Finally I went in and did the background:


And thats it!

I actually would have gone back through to do hi-lights but my paint brushes are in the bedroom and my wife is sleeping. I think it came out pretty well I already know some things I intend to do differently (like making sure I dont run out of my W3 :P ,  using a wash for the background, planning the background a little more.)

Heres to effort and growth!


Friday Night Frenzy

Wow, a weeks gone by since my last post, but at least I made it back in time for the Friday Night Frenzy!

Heres what I was working on this week.

Lot of Assassins Creed fanart this week, suppose Im just excited for the new game and the beta that starts in just a few weeks.

First: Lucy HPA


Second: Desmond and Lucy back to back

Third: Random Assassin, not meant to be any specific character.


And besides all the assassin work, heres the next stage in the DC Universe image I posted last week. When its all done I’ll try to get all the stages posted in 1 post with a step by step.

Have a great weekend!


Drawing from life

This title is misleading. While I’m a huge proponent of drawing from life, and I recognize how crucial it is, most artists understand how its not always the most convenient option.

As I’ve mentioned before sometimes a photo reference is the best you have access to, and this is an example of that. Starting from a photo (again by the talented Uriel Reyes). Starting from one of his photos, I took the duality of the models facial expression and ran with it, expanding on the divided expression through contending elements of nature and industrialism, land and sky, and night and day; all of this brought together through a piece inspired by art nouveau with a little extra heavy influence from Alfons Mucha.

I’ve done 2 of these now and both came out pretty spot on as far as what I was shooting for so I’m looking at pursuing the concept and producing a series.

Thanks to Uriel Reyes for the reference.

I’d like to start working color into it. I did a hint of color in this one (digitally) but I’d like to play more and see where it goes.

Digital color, think I might try watercolor next.