
Friday Night Frenzy!

Here we go again.. I hope. Danno-light is born and almost 3 weeks old, and when I can find some spare time Im trying to keep crankin’ out some art. I got a few things going this week, but these are the ones that made it to inking stage.

1. General Gannon ( Gannon : Legend of Zelda)

A friend of mine has been working on a Zelda story to spice up the series a bit, I like what hes got and thought I’d do some sketches for it.



2. Dr.Quinn Medecine Woman (Harley Quinn : Batman)

Random Harley Quinn Pinup. Warmup for a bigger picture that hopefully will be ready to post by next week.


Just a little taste to say I’m still in the game. More to come!

-Danno Out


Friday Night Frenzy

It;’s late so I’ll keep it simple. Heres the scribblings of the week!


1: Business Hamster (Business in the front, hamster in the back?)


2: Onti (Re-imagining of an old website mascot)


3: Project Ruin (Playing with landscape concepts for project)


4: Gone Campin’ (dunno, just did it)



5: Project Ruin: (More character concepts)

Hm, no fanart this week. Well that’s all for now. Been polishin off some of these on the side. I’ll try to get those posted soon.

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

This was a long short week full of long days. Trying to catch up on life and in dong so I didn’t get as much drawing done as I normally do, but I feel the 2 I did complete are pretty strong. Since there are only 2 images this week I’ll go into a little more detail on each one.


1. Star Wars [Original Character]

I’m not a huge Star Wars fan. I enjoy them, but I dont hold them nearly as high as a lot of my friends do. A friend of mine was working on a picture of Asajj Ventress when I realized, “Ive never drawn anything Star Wars.”  Immediately I had the image in my head, I just had to figure out how to make it work. The base concept was a Sith (or Jedi) standing on a downed X-wing. As I worked it through, in my preliminary sketches I decided it might make the image more complete if the figure was interacting with someone.

When I realized just how big X-wings were I was a little disappointed that I couldnt fit as much in the image as I planned. Maybe in the final I will expand and add more of the ship. Main light-sources will be the burning x-wing and the light saber.


2. The Chemist (Original Character)

In the final of this piece expect to see writing in the foreground, like she is writing on one of those clear dry-erase boards.

I was reading various articles on the new DC launch such as this one by Michele Lee or this one by Laura Hudson. Both articles expressing a disappointment in the portrayal of females in comics books. Now we all know thats a battle thats been fought for ages, and while I don’t agree with EVERYTHING in the articles they make a lot of strong points that have brought me to some realizations of me own. For example I feel like the bust-size of women in illustration isn’t only a product of the male , but also a result of good ol’, run of the mill, everyday, laziness.

Seriously, draw a picture of a woman from the front without giving her large breasts. Now look at it, either you succumbed to the urge to increase the bust or theres a good chance it looks like  a man. When are a thing of beauty the world over, and when we try to portray the beauty we want to make sure its clear. “This is a woman.” But when we step back and take our time, there are more subtle ways to portray the female form. It’s late so I’m rambling. :P

Anyway, with all this in mind, I approached this piece aiming to do a slightly more realistic woman.


Tallahassee Drink and Draw is this weekend so hopefully some more good art will come out of that. Have a good weekend.

-Danno Out!


Old Hero, New Beginnings

With all the DC Reboot talk (Relaunching of a portion of the DC Universe consisting of 52 titles) a lot of people have been speculating over different ways they could have gone with the new looks for some of their flagship characters. It was a fun concept to me so I decided to do one of my own. Heres a pic of the new Superman the way I might have redesigned him, and the process that went into completing it.

First the planning stages…

Honestly there wasn’t TOO much thought that went into it but there was a very key element. Superman has a job to do, but he is also very much a symbol. I was thinking about this in relation to different armed forces and militaries and I thought, “They often have multiple uniforms.” When you see marines on posters or nn parade floats they wear one thing but when you see them “actually” in action they are dressed differently. As a symbol I thought perhaps Superman might use 2 different outfits 1 for battle, and 1 to enhance the majesty of the symbol.

So this was the first outfit I designed.



Though a little showy, this would be the one for combat. Hope you like! I appreciate all comments.

-Danno Out


Friday Night Frenzy

Another week already, wow. Heres what I put out this week.

1. Drink and Draw Monster (Obj. Teeth, Tentacles, and Horns)


2. Drink and Draw Gender Swap (Femme Thing)


3. Demona – Gargoyles (Done for an Art Jam)


4. Shiver (Character Design for my wife)


5. Shiver Logo (for the above character)


6. Zangief – Street Fighter  (Quick Portrait)


7. Dan – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


8. Viper – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


9. Rose – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


10. Tyrone ( Idea for shirts for fall frisbee season)


11. Superman Redesign (Done for a Deviant Art group)


Thats it for this week, some of that thanks to last Sundays Drink and Draw. Stay tuned.

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

This weeks spoils…

1: My interpretation of Arya from Game of Thrones. I dont usually draw younger people. It was fun. Dont know if she looks younger or not but I was aiming  for 12-14ish.


2: Sakura from Street Fighter


3: Red Sonja


4: Project Ruin (Character Concept)

Thanks for tuning in. Lots of great things brewin around  in my brain right now. I’m excited to get them all down on paper so I can share.

-Danno Out!


Friday..? Night .. …? Frenzy

Alright gang, sometimes Christmas comes early, and sometimes Friday Night comes late… this is one of those times. Due to abnormal circumstances I was unable to dump yesterday so heres what youve waited for so patiently.


1. Project Ruin – Concept for a character of Royalty/Nobility who is capable of more than people know.


2. Fanart – Luigi goin to town. Perhaps this is why he gets so little screen time.


3. Quick portrait – Lillith (Darkstalkers)


4. Quick Portrait – B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers)


5. Foreshortening Practice


6. Project Ruin – a highwitch (witch of noble descent) (Some inspiration from Poison Ivy), breeding a creepy “children-of-the-corn-like” army to do her bidding.


7. Fanart – Samus Aran. I always loved the character and realized its been over a decade since I’ve drawn her so…

Had a hard time findin time this week, but I made it. Stay tuned for more work in progress, and hopefully I’ll get some new completed pieces up here soon too!

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

Got plenty to show from this week. Theres a lil more variety this time around. Lets get started, first up…


Character sketch for project RFI (note she was intended to be riding on a golemn):


This was intended to be the afore mentioned Golem. He ended up much larger than originally intended. (Then for fun I started playing around with the idea of a “steam punk” golemn. I know everything is “steam punk” these days. It was fun, theres a lot more I could do with it though so we’ll see if another one doesn’t pop up at some point. Still playing with ink. really enjoying it:


Random attempt at a muscular guy. Dont draw them very often, just trying to stretch my capabilities. Not really pleased with the outcome, but hey its all part of progress!


Lil guy … nuff said.


Still doing my daily figure drawing and 1 of the poses that came up was similar to this one. It reminded me of some of the old Pin-up art by folks like Gil Elvgren or Alberto Vargas. (Of course there are tons of others like my favorite artist of today Adam Hughes) . So I ran with it:



Up next we’ve got a slew of Street Fighter portraits. I dont do portraits all to often, which is a shame because its quickly becoming one of my weakest areas. Thats why I put in a little practice tile doing quick portraits or already made characters ranging from 10-20 mins a piece.





Chunli: (Edited in PS her right eye was buuuuusted, so I cloned the other real quick.)






Dhalsim: (pardon the quality. Lost the scan some how so I just took a picture with my phone.)



Blanka: (or as I like to call him in this picture. Blankgeta)


In fact blankas, resemblance to a Super Saiyan makes me wanna do all of the street fighter characters in the DBZ world.. … or maybe the other way around. Ideas to play around with, we’ll see what happens. Thanks for tuning in!

-Danno Out