
Friday Night Frenzy

Another week already, wow. Heres what I put out this week.

1. Drink and Draw Monster (Obj. Teeth, Tentacles, and Horns)


2. Drink and Draw Gender Swap (Femme Thing)


3. Demona – Gargoyles (Done for an Art Jam)


4. Shiver (Character Design for my wife)


5. Shiver Logo (for the above character)


6. Zangief – Street Fighter  (Quick Portrait)


7. Dan – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


8. Viper – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


9. Rose – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


10. Tyrone ( Idea for shirts for fall frisbee season)


11. Superman Redesign (Done for a Deviant Art group)


Thats it for this week, some of that thanks to last Sundays Drink and Draw. Stay tuned.

-Danno Out!


RedEye Time Warp

I know a lot of people who work at the RedEye Coffee Shop in Tallahassee, Florida. One day while I was up there working my little sister came out wearing her new work shirt. All I could think was that she should be serving us on Roller Skates while dancing to some disco.

The shirts are nice, they just look a little blast from the past. :) So I decided to draw what I pictured when I saw them.

New Red Eye Shirts