
Not all Princesses need saving (Late FNF)

I missed the last friday night frenzy due to overwhelming schedule (and a lot of playing Batman Arkham City.) Heres 2 pieces I’ve been working on.

Princess Zelda, with a little role reversal.


Batman and Catwoman: Monochromatic Prismacolor Pencil (Not finished, but I got bored so I probably wont finish it. )


Thanks for checkin in. Stay tuned for more.

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

Another week already, wow. Heres what I put out this week.

1. Drink and Draw Monster (Obj. Teeth, Tentacles, and Horns)


2. Drink and Draw Gender Swap (Femme Thing)


3. Demona – Gargoyles (Done for an Art Jam)


4. Shiver (Character Design for my wife)


5. Shiver Logo (for the above character)


6. Zangief – Street Fighter  (Quick Portrait)


7. Dan – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


8. Viper – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


9. Rose – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


10. Tyrone ( Idea for shirts for fall frisbee season)


11. Superman Redesign (Done for a Deviant Art group)


Thats it for this week, some of that thanks to last Sundays Drink and Draw. Stay tuned.

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

This weeks spoils…

1: My interpretation of Arya from Game of Thrones. I dont usually draw younger people. It was fun. Dont know if she looks younger or not but I was aiming  for 12-14ish.


2: Sakura from Street Fighter


3: Red Sonja


4: Project Ruin (Character Concept)

Thanks for tuning in. Lots of great things brewin around  in my brain right now. I’m excited to get them all down on paper so I can share.

-Danno Out!


Friday..? Night .. …? Frenzy

Alright gang, sometimes Christmas comes early, and sometimes Friday Night comes late… this is one of those times. Due to abnormal circumstances I was unable to dump yesterday so heres what youve waited for so patiently.


1. Project Ruin – Concept for a character of Royalty/Nobility who is capable of more than people know.


2. Fanart – Luigi goin to town. Perhaps this is why he gets so little screen time.


3. Quick portrait – Lillith (Darkstalkers)


4. Quick Portrait – B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers)


5. Foreshortening Practice


6. Project Ruin – a highwitch (witch of noble descent) (Some inspiration from Poison Ivy), breeding a creepy “children-of-the-corn-like” army to do her bidding.


7. Fanart – Samus Aran. I always loved the character and realized its been over a decade since I’ve drawn her so…

Had a hard time findin time this week, but I made it. Stay tuned for more work in progress, and hopefully I’ll get some new completed pieces up here soon too!

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

Got plenty to show from this week. Theres a lil more variety this time around. Lets get started, first up…


Character sketch for project RFI (note she was intended to be riding on a golemn):


This was intended to be the afore mentioned Golem. He ended up much larger than originally intended. (Then for fun I started playing around with the idea of a “steam punk” golemn. I know everything is “steam punk” these days. It was fun, theres a lot more I could do with it though so we’ll see if another one doesn’t pop up at some point. Still playing with ink. really enjoying it:


Random attempt at a muscular guy. Dont draw them very often, just trying to stretch my capabilities. Not really pleased with the outcome, but hey its all part of progress!


Lil guy … nuff said.


Still doing my daily figure drawing and 1 of the poses that came up was similar to this one. It reminded me of some of the old Pin-up art by folks like Gil Elvgren or Alberto Vargas. (Of course there are tons of others like my favorite artist of today Adam Hughes) . So I ran with it:



Up next we’ve got a slew of Street Fighter portraits. I dont do portraits all to often, which is a shame because its quickly becoming one of my weakest areas. Thats why I put in a little practice tile doing quick portraits or already made characters ranging from 10-20 mins a piece.





Chunli: (Edited in PS her right eye was buuuuusted, so I cloned the other real quick.)






Dhalsim: (pardon the quality. Lost the scan some how so I just took a picture with my phone.)



Blanka: (or as I like to call him in this picture. Blankgeta)


In fact blankas, resemblance to a Super Saiyan makes me wanna do all of the street fighter characters in the DBZ world.. … or maybe the other way around. Ideas to play around with, we’ll see what happens. Thanks for tuning in!

-Danno Out