
Drawing from life

This title is misleading. While I’m a huge proponent of drawing from life, and I recognize how crucial it is, most artists understand how its not always the most convenient option.

As I’ve mentioned before sometimes a photo reference is the best you have access to, and this is an example of that. Starting from a photo (again by the talented Uriel Reyes). Starting from one of his photos, I took the duality of the models facial expression and ran with it, expanding on the divided expression through contending elements of nature and industrialism, land and sky, and night and day; all of this brought together through a piece inspired by art nouveau with a little extra heavy influence from Alfons Mucha.

I’ve done 2 of these now and both came out pretty spot on as far as what I was shooting for so I’m looking atĀ pursuingĀ the concept and producing a series.

Thanks to Uriel Reyes for the reference.

I’d like to start working color into it. I did a hint of color in this one (digitally) but I’d like to play more and see where it goes.

Digital color, think I might try watercolor next.