
Old Hero, New Beginnings

With all the DC Reboot talk (Relaunching of a portion of the DC Universe consisting of 52 titles) a lot of people have been speculating over different ways they could have gone with the new looks for some of their flagship characters. It was a fun concept to me so I decided to do one of my own. Heres a pic of the new Superman the way I might have redesigned him, and the process that went into completing it.

First the planning stages…

Honestly there wasn’t TOO much thought that went into it but there was a very key element. Superman has a job to do, but he is also very much a symbol. I was thinking about this in relation to different armed forces and militaries and I thought, “They often have multiple uniforms.” When you see marines on posters or nn parade floats they wear one thing but when you see them “actually” in action they are dressed differently. As a symbol I thought perhaps Superman might use 2 different outfits 1 for battle, and 1 to enhance the majesty of the symbol.

So this was the first outfit I designed.



Though a little showy, this would be the one for combat. Hope you like! I appreciate all comments.

-Danno Out


Friday Night Frenzy

Another week already, wow. Heres what I put out this week.

1. Drink and Draw Monster (Obj. Teeth, Tentacles, and Horns)


2. Drink and Draw Gender Swap (Femme Thing)


3. Demona – Gargoyles (Done for an Art Jam)


4. Shiver (Character Design for my wife)


5. Shiver Logo (for the above character)


6. Zangief – Street Fighter  (Quick Portrait)


7. Dan – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


8. Viper – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


9. Rose – Street Fighter (Quick Portrait)


10. Tyrone ( Idea for shirts for fall frisbee season)


11. Superman Redesign (Done for a Deviant Art group)


Thats it for this week, some of that thanks to last Sundays Drink and Draw. Stay tuned.

-Danno Out!


Friday Night Frenzy

Wow, a weeks gone by since my last post, but at least I made it back in time for the Friday Night Frenzy!

Heres what I was working on this week.

Lot of Assassins Creed fanart this week, suppose Im just excited for the new game and the beta that starts in just a few weeks.

First: Lucy HPA


Second: Desmond and Lucy back to back

Third: Random Assassin, not meant to be any specific character.


And besides all the assassin work, heres the next stage in the DC Universe image I posted last week. When its all done I’ll try to get all the stages posted in 1 post with a step by step.

Have a great weekend!